Dear Scouting Family,
As always, your safety and the safety of all our members, volunteers, and employees is our top priority. We know there are questions and concerns about how COVID-19, commonly known as the coronavirus, could affect local Scouting programs in Conquistador Council. Please know that we are monitoring developments regarding COVID-19 both locally with our Council Health Supervisor (Note: please engage your CHS if you have not) and through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Council Service Center and Scout Shop
Staying in compliance with the Governor's recent order, the Scout Shop and Office in Roswell will be closed until at least April 6. We will keep you updated.
Wehinahpay and Day Camps
The Conquistador Council is closely monitoring the COVID-19 outbreak and are following CDC, Federal, State, and local guidelines for mitigating the spread of the virus and for keeping our Scouts and Leaders safe. We are hopeful that we will be able to offer summer programs like Wehinahpay Mountain Camp, District Cub Day Camps, and How to Train Your Wowser Cub Camp. Our camp leadership has created a plan that adds additioanl precautions to ensure a safe and healthy camp for those who attend.
While we are hopeful that conditions will be such that we can hold camp, due to the uncertainty of eradicating the threat of COVID-19, the Council's leadership will make the final determination on whether to hold these summer events on May 15th.
Status of Council Events
At this time, the following events have been cancelled or postponed:
· Council Spring Camporee- April 24-26- (Cancelled)
· Ideal Year of Scouting Presentations April 14 and 16 (Being held online at GoToMeeting)
- Popcorn Kickoff- April 8 (Being held online at GoToMeeting)
- College of Commissioner Science/University of Scouting (Cancelled)
- IOLS/BALOO Training (Cancelled)
Should you have any questions or concerns about a specific upcoming event or activity, please reach out to your local district executive. We will do everything we can to answer your question using the information available to us.
Keep an eye on our Facebook page for tips and resources to keep your Scouts engaged during this difficult time.
Stay safe out there.