Hey everyone!
We have had a lot of fun interacting with everyone who has been able to join us for our virtual meetings. We've been able to hang out with other Scouts, goof around a bit, and learn some really cool Scouting skills. If you haven't had a chance to join us yet, we highly recommend it!
Here are a couple of cool things on the horizon for virtual Scouting this month:
1. The Pinewood Derby- February 27, 9:00 AM (Details in another article of this newsletter)
2. A Cool Presentation on Philmont- In each of the Scouts BSA meetings the last week of the month.
If you haven't been able to join, here are the times we are meeting at. We'd love to see you.
Meeting URL
Lion (Monday*, 6:30)
Tiger (Tuesday, 6:30)
Wolf (Thursday, 6:30)
Bear (Monday, 7)
Webelos (Tuesday, 7)
Arrow of Light (Thursday, 7:30)
Scout/Tend (Monday, 7:30)
2nd/1st (Tuesday, 7:30)
Star to Eagle (Thursday, 7:30)